This is the continuation of the  Soviet Radio History in pictures. The pictures are taken from the soviet journal "Radio" - the leading magazine about radio related issues in the Soviet Union. This part will be about sixties - the golden age of the soviet technology. Soviets made worldwide breakthrough by getting first man Yuri Gagarin in space. The rocket technology made advancements both in space exploration and in military. The radio and television also saw great advancements as the first portable transistor radios were produced. In following years the tube (lamp) receivers became obsolete pawing ways for more effective cheaper and less space taking radios. The television also became more widespread, as the first color TV's appeared all union received TV signals. Army also saw advancements in radio equipment. However, in the mid sixties the hopes of winning the Cold War by using advanced technology failed to meet the expectations of the soviet leaders. The state controlled economy started to stagnate and lack towards the Western free market. In result the soviet radio technologies and the state of living as whole fared behind the western one. Despite that the production in radios, TV's and other related stuff never ceased and lasted until late eighties. We must bear in mind that despite its technological character this journal featured large amounts of soviet propaganda that often made the soviet technology more better than it was in real life. However, the artwork and photos of this journal are still a valuable part of the soviet heritage.


The Beginners Shortwave Transitter 

Lenin speaking to radio on 1919

The Radiola (radio+vinyl player) "Latvia" made by Latvian VEF 

The TV towers established all around the union

The Soviet radio station in the South Pole

The Czechoslovakian comrade listens to transistor  Tesla 2800-B

The Volunteer Society for Cooperation with the Army, Aviation, and Fleet (DOSAAF) excellent radio operator badges 

Shame to the American aggressors! The US U2 spy plane was shot down over Soviet Union and the pilot captured. 

The Soviet Dog Laika rides in space!

Introducing transistor radio "Malish" (Kid) on MW and LW bands
The TV set  "Voronezh"

The new radio receivers of 1960. From left the Belarus radioola Minsk - 61, the Lithuanian magnitola (radio with tape player) "Neringa" and the Latvian VEF "Spīdola" one of the first portable multiband transistor receivers.


The soviet space probe heading to Venus

The Latvian VEF Sakta

The Ukrainian magentofon (tape player) Dnepr 11

The united Soviet TV network along the Moscow capital

The Radiola Minsk-61

The Soviet man in Space! Yuri Gagarin

Glory to the Party! Glory to our nation! Conquerors of Space! Yuri Gagarin together with the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev  


The electric information device for space missions
The new soviet ballistic missiles defending the world peace! 

The first soviet tabletop transistor radio Ausma made in Riga Latvia by Radiotehnika

The new Estonian radiola Estonia-3

The radiogramafon (radio public speaker Koncertnij 2

The Soviet radio air defense in  defense for peace

The basis of the new transistor radios

The new neon valves and the transistor triatrons 

The two transistor radio 


TV+ Vinyl player Belarus-110 

Transistor Atmosfera 2m

Soviet army radio forces

The direct radio line between Moscow and Havana Cuba

The new Latvian Radiotehnika Gauja MW LW receiver 

The tape player Jauza -10

The girls of the Latvian VEF

The new TV sets Record -12 and Voronezh-6

The new design of the radios and TV's

The new electronic sound recorders made in USSR

TV set Start -3

The pocket receivers Topaz-2 and Start 2


Defending the Peace! 23 February - the Red Army day

The Soviet Estonian  transmitters 

The diplomas of the Soviet Central Radio Club

The soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in this same year he was removed from leadership.

The soviet automatic voice recorder

The newest production of East Germany

The soviet civil aviation

Selga - the newest LW/MW receiver from Radiotehnika Latvia

The Selga Schematics

Made in Soviet Poland 


Radio receiver "Almaz"

Always on the Guard!

The basics of the transistor TV

20 years of the Great victory in WWII

TV Centers in USSR 

TV Centers in USSR the Asian side

The new Latvian VEF Spīdola 10 multi band receiver 

The Estonian Estonia-3M stereo sytem

The newest victory of the Soviet science - pictures of the dark side of the moon


The 20 years since the Battle of Moscow
The portable receiver Riga from Latvia

The Space Bridge - space antenna  connects Earth with soviet spacecraft 

The  Ham radio callsing map 1st side

The Ham radio callsing Map side 2

The radio receiver Alpinist 


The might of the peace loving Soviet Army

Luna 13 the Soviet mars probe landed on the Moon

The radio on motorcycles 

Introducing the electric guirtar

The Riga Stereo System Simfonija -2 

Add caption

Celebrating the October revolution 

Portable TV Turist 

Latvian Riga 101 sound system 

Riga 102 and Riga 103 receivers 

In the land, air and sea! 


The radio hobbyists of Dombass Ukraine

The VHF Ham equipment

The new Soviet electro-mechanic clocks

The Mighty Unbreakable Power!

Venera 4 probe heads to Venera


The new Soviet studio microphones 

July 27 the Day of the Soviet Navy

August 18 the day of the Soviet Airforce 

The radio operators serves the army 

The new tape recorders devices of 1969
